To be
To do
To win
To bedouin
To ride
To spin
To tango
To bedouin
To all
To yes
To yes to all
To bedouin
To motion
To onward
To newness
To bedouin
To feel
To feel again
To feel the feel
To bedouin
To frequency
To trips not ends
To forks not knives
To bedouin
To note in notes
To revolt in sighs
To evolve in rhythm
To bedouin
To canvas sound
To weave in rhyme
To grace the grace
To bedouin
To vine through you
To lift from you to you
To take you off to you
To bedouin
To undo and redo
To fly you and land you
To saga from saga to you
To bedouin
To love in the air
To wander in wonder
To nomads without the no
To bedouin
To echo the message
To hide and seek the hidden
To vanish and leave the rabbit
To bedouin
To follow the flow and flee the fall
To fan the flame and feed the fire
To fool the fear and fuel the feel
To bedouin
To race you to place you here
To bewilder you to wilderness
To be you to out you to now
To bedouin
To lull the winds with lace
To ground you off ground
To circle you to spirals
To bedouin
To whisper beyond words
To motion despite friction
To love without strings
To bedouin
To sand wet with drought
To thrones not thrown
To depths afloat
To bedouin
To unseat the settled
To unset the setting
To abuse the muse
To bedouin
To blend the drums
To numb the knobs
To jazz the storks
To bedouin
To chisel the form
To scalp the tide
To cast the light
To bedouin
To hone you home
To home the heart
To pin you to you
To bedouin
To care immensely
To outdo us to do
To craft and craft
To bedouin
To tree the truth
To sky the why
To root the art
To bedouin
To Tinker Bells
To Peter Pans
To fantasy
To bedouin
To oases
To water
To thirst
To bedouin
To bee
To next
To buzz
To bedouin
To up
To high
To higher
To bedouin
To live
To being
To presence
To bedouin
To trance
To transcend
To transcendence
To bedouin
To try anew
To try again
To try and try
To bedouin
To win the beds
To bed the winds
To bend the wins
To bedouin
To lift the all
To awe the some
To sum the journey
To bedouin
To dwell the swell
To mesh the fresh
To weave or leave
To bedouin
To ends that meet
To loops from loops
To tones that stretch
To bedouin
To grooves till graves
To riddle you to dance
To dangle you from veils
To bedouin
To still you and keep you
To take you and bring you
To wrap you and warp you
To bedouin
To shower the wastelands
To sea you when we sea you
To port the pass beyond all ports
To bedouin
To listen more than you can hear
To feel more than you can sense
To kiss more than you can breathe
To bedouin
To here the now and now the here
To you from the mirage of we
To illusion until belusion
To bedouin
To scent our most in a breeze
To burns of bustling caravans
To enchant waves to cruise
To bedouin
To beauty beyond language
To call us by your name
To ferry us around
To bedouin
To seasons and cycles
To giving and taking
To gratitude
To bedouin
To thank you for pushing
To share the treasure
To roam and foam
To bedouin
To sign without a name
To dialogue in melody
To ones from twos
To bedouin
To bass beyond base
To last without trace
To sound unto itself
To bedouin
To bind you in spells
To affect the effect
To call you again
To bedouin
To beauty. To beauty.
To besos. To besos.
To bees. To bees.
To bedouin
To we the bedouins
To rest the rest
To be the us
To bedouin
To artistry
To music
To art
To bedouin
To win you
To do you
To be you
To bedouin
To thank you,
A bedouin
Your love helps me write something worth reading or do something worth writing. Thanks, L.
More lines on http://www.poetcalledL.com