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Thoughts become things
Energy flows where attention goes
There is enough to go around
The resource that twists is limitless
Life is always figuring you out
Sourcing itself from your presence
Make it abundantly beautiful
The mission becomes your emission
Sculpt it softly in your image
Mirror the feels of love you dome
Sign it with your mutation
Identity is difference and difference
Is identity: What’s yours?
Art do me. Art do you?
Your love helps me write something worth reading or do something worth writing. Thanks, L.
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Thoughts become things
Energy flows where attention goes
There is enough to go around
The resource that twists is limitless
Life is always figuring you out
Sourcing itself from your presence
Make it abundantly beautiful
The mission becomes your emission
Sculpt it softly in your image
Mirror the feels of love you dome
Sign it with your mutation
Identity is difference and difference
Is identity: What’s yours?
Art do me. Art do you?
Your love helps me write something worth reading or do something worth writing. Thanks, L.
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